Category Archives: Public

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Last… and Long Overdue



Hey everyone,


I am the ultimate horrible blogger. Seeing as how I left my readers hanging for weeks, I am officially going to throw in my “blogger” towel. Just to update you all from the last post. I did go to Rome, Italy.  It was my last mini trip before returning to the states.

Rome was AMAZING!!! It was historically enlightening, aesthetically breathtaking, and the food was… well THE BOMB!!! LoL

I enjoyed myself to the fullest. I went with a fellow classmate who was just as excited to be there as I was, so we took advantage of every opportunity. We saw every site and ate everything we wanted.

Also, the weather was perfect.

I enjoyed Rome more than ANY other place in Europe. I could definitely live there.


Anyway, I am back in the states!!  Atlanta, GA to be exact!

I enjoyed my time abroad and I thank God for every ounce of that experience.


Pre – Rome


Hey Readers,

It’s Friday, December 9, 2011 at 10:52 (London Time). It’s been a little while since I’ve written. Not much exciting stuff going on, I’ve just been preparing for all my finals, final papers, trips and being preoccupied with the excitement of going home in a few days. However, before going home, I have planned a small trip to Italy. I am really ecstatic about that!

I am leaving for Rome, Italy tomorrow morning. I will be there until Tuesday. It’s a short trip, but I cannot wait to experience it.

I will take lots of pictures for you all and I will definitely meet you here in a few days to tell you all about it!!




Distractions! They are meant to do just what they say “DISTRACT”. The enemy comes to kill, steal, destroy, and DISTRACT! If there is one thing that will keep you from completed anything… it is distraction. There is no better way to ensure that DOING won’t get done.

I have 12 days until I get home. So, there is nothing I would like more right now than to be able to focus on getting a jump start on my exams and making sure I leave this country having left nothing, undone, unseen, or uncovered. However, just as you would expect; distraction are coming from EVERYWHERE.

From inside my head… from my computer… from my Facebook inbox… from my bank account…  from my body and health. Distractions can be anything, anyone, or anywhere that creates diversions in you trying to accomplish those things God would have you to accomplish.

I am trying my best to keep my eyes on that light at the end of the tunnel. But that light seems to be playing strobe lately. I can see it, but it’s so hard to focus on.

Giving Thanks


Thanksgiving in London 🙂

It was of course my first holiday out of the country! Overall, I must say God is amazing entrusting me with such beautiful testimonies to bear on my lips…


       The morning of Thanksgiving was a challenge for me. I woke up with an overwhelming sadness. I was feeling [home]sick. I was feeling EXTRA emotional. I was debating on attending my most loathed class. However, I knew I had to shake this intangible weight of emotional heaviness and start my day. As I tried to do this on my own, I slugged around, until my spirit was quickened with conviction. It was THANKSGIVING… and I had NOT given ANY thanks! I was instantly convicted. I stopped in my tracks. Sat up in my bed and began to pray, praise, worship and GIVE THANKS. I spent about 45 minutes crying out to God in GRATEFULNESS!

          Now, one would think that this time of worship would give me a BOOST into the day, but no! It made me really not want to leave that spot. Leave His presence. I did not want to interrupt that space …BUT because I had to go to this class, I found myself again in vocal and emotional reclusion. – – – I was a bit dazed in class. A bit inattentive and to the entire discussion. So, as soon as class was dismissed, I was the first to find my way to the exit. My Professor evidently noticed my actions, or lack of. After class she approached me at the bus stop. Even though I tried to avoid eye contact and sink into my headphones, she caught me. She asked was I ok. Immediately, these tears started to swell in my eyes. I told her, it’s Thanksgiving today, I’m feeling a little homesick, that’s all. She sympathized and expressed that she was concerned, but that I only had a few weeks before I get to go home. She smiled and said, “you’ll be okay.” This was a quick exchange, but it warmed my heart that she cared.

I got home from class and made a phone call. I had to talk to my Gommy. I told her how I was feeling and she quickly reminded me that our emotions are all about our perspective. There was SO much that I had to be grateful for! I love her for the way she says things sometimes. This information from anyone else could have come across scolding, but she was sure to have empathy in her voice. She has a way of comforting, strengthening and correcting all at the same time. I think adding I love you to the end of almost anything can do that though! LoL

God, I thank You for new experiences, new places, new mercies, and new heights in YOU!!

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

The Down of Spiritual Syndromes



Hey Readers,

I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about one of the most memorable aspects of being in London… where I’m LIVING!!

I live with a “host” family!  A husband, wife, and three children; two away at college, one daughter living at home. They are a pretty typical middle class English family. A nice size home and big hearts. Very nice people.

Here are the dynamics: [no names, they’re not important]

  • The husband – Works from home. Very well-versed in world history and politics. About 50ish
  • The wife- a retired school teacher. Still however volunteers daily at elementary schools. 50ish.
  • The daughter- Has down syndrome. 25years old.

– For those that don’t know, here is a little info on down syndrome[This is relevant to my story]

The husband and wife both take really good care of their daughter. Due to her condition she has the mental capacity of maybe an eight year old, and the emotionally stability of maybe a 5 year old. Sometimes, getting her to bathe and go to bed can be a hassle for her parents. She will yell and pout and stay turned facing a wall MAD for an hour. She fusses at her parents and asks ‘why’ to everything they tell her to to. It’s really like having a typical, stubborn, spoiled eight year old in the house.

Anyway, my interaction with her is minimal, but pleasant. I tend to be overly nice and I always acknowledge her, which most people don’t.

One morning, I was in the kitchen and her mom [the wife] comes in semi-whispering…

She says, “I really hope [the daughter] isn’t bothering you. Lately she’s been extra cranky with all the changes going on around her. Sometimes she’s irritable when adapting to new things and people. Please don’t be bothered or get angry.”

I was totally shocked!! I kept trying to interrupt her. With the most confused look on my face I said, “oh God no, I am not angry. I understand her condition. It would be foolish to get upset. I am not bothered at all.”

Her reaction to me saying that was total joy! She was relieved that I was not bothered. She kept saying wow, thank you.

Later that day I could not help but to keep thinking about that encounter. Why was she surprised that I was not bothered? Why would she commend me on doing something that seemed so natural to me?

It made me reflect SPIRITUALLY and here is what the Lord gave me!

Why aren’t we like this with EVERYONE?  Why don’t we treat people according to what we KNOW they’re capable of?   Why do we get upset and impatient with people when they are only doing what it is they KNOW how to do?

I think its safe to safe that ONE of the largest problems in most modern day churches is that leaders [and parishioners] treat everyone THE SAME.   However, clearly everyone is different, with different backgrounds, different spiritual encounters, different MENTALITIES, different intellectual capabilities …and so on and so on.

If we DEAL with [treat, care for, and interact] with everyone at the level THEY are on, then we may see better results!

Jesus did not treat everyone they same. He LOVED everyone the same, but His EXPECTATIONS for everyone were different.  He did not expect the same thing from the disciples as he did of the Pharisees.

You should not get mad when a baby falls down. You should EXPECT [anticipate and prepare for it.]

IF YOU DO NOT, you and the baby BOTH end up frustrated and confused at the lack of progress.

Jesus’ expectations were based on what He KNEW about their POTENTIAL!!

It is my firm belief that we would spiritual nourish more souls if we did not try to feed them all the SAME thing at the same time.  You must find out their allergies [their spiritual hang-ups, hurts, encounters].  You must find out their specific diets [interests]… before just giving them anything. AND most importantly… you must know their age [level of spiritual and intellectual comprehension].  When you know these details, then you can properly prepare a meal.

You must start with milk [promises, salvation, comfort]. Most times you must appeal to a person physically, way before you get their attention spiritually. Just as  natural babies will choke off meat; spiritual babes will choke off meat [judgement, 2nd coming, Revelations, tongues, etc] as well.

If you find yourself witnessing, mentoring, or evangelizing and frustrated… your expectations may be way too high and unrealistic to their capabilities. And your patience and comfort too low. And please know, use wisdom to discern who this is pertaining to and who it is NOT!




God is SO amazing!! [THIS IS NOT A TEST]



It’s Wednesday morning, November 16, 2011. [-KEEP IN MIND YESTERDAY’S POST about Rome-]

The last thing I did before I went to bed last night was PRAYED that God would show me or speak to me, guide me in someway about what to do about Rome……………….

I wake to not one, but TWO awesome emails. One email from my professor telling me that the essay that I thought was due today is ACTUALLY due next week! That may not seem big, but trust me it was HUGE!!

The second email from my mom. It went a little like this!

“…Hi Ebonie …I put 300.00 in your Chase acct. Mama (Granny) sent 150, Irene 50, Alan 50, Elandy 25 and I added 25 to make it even…”

WOW… now what makes this ironic is that she has been telling me she was going to put those folks money in my bank account for weeks now, so I had begun not to believe her, BUT LOOK AT GOD!! It was right on time…

I had settled contentment in my spirit either way!! But I thank God immensely for YET another blessings and these new morning!! Great is His FAITHFULNESS!!


Torn Between Two Rights!


The Colsseum - Rome, Italy

Coming to Europe was a huge goal of mine. I prayed for it, I cried for it, I struggled for it, I worked for it…. and even when it looked impossible and I did not think I was going to make it here, GOD DID IT!

This is why I feel so compelled to make the best of it. However, I am torn between travelling and seeing other parts of Europe and saving my money, remembering that I will be returning to life as we know it. Bills. Responsibilities. And more Bills.

I am very wise with my money. Probably more wise than I am with ANYTHING. I truly understand the difference that hazes somewhere between a need and a want. I know when to say no and when to say yes. I am not [really] an impulse buyer, nor am I an excessive spender to say the least.

Nevertheless, some people would chalk me studying abroad this semester as an unnecessary expense, so clearly that line between a need and a want is universally unclear. I, of course, deemed this a need.

Here is my problem. With my budgeting down to the penny, I have about 230pounds ($364) left in my miscellaneous expenses account. I purposely saved this money for Europe, but I am now considering saving it again until I return home.

I have the opportunity to go to Rome for about [$158] which leaves me with roughly [$206] in my miscellaneous account. Miscellaneous WILL turn in to bills, gas, food, etc money once I return to the states.

So, I am truly torn.

Never again will I have the opportunity to visit Rome, Italy for $158. However, if I spend all of my money here, I WILL return home broke!!



Beautifully Discontent


The Artist Wall - at The Royal National Theatre - London, UK


          A few years ago I learned something about myself. I am a runner. I get restless, quickly. If it’s too chaotic or too predictable, it bothers me. As soon as a relationship would get too insipid, I would flee. Thank God for insight. I have NOT completely changed, but I recognize it now. I said all this to say, I am in another country for the first time in my life and I am experiencing that same feeling of restlessness. I have seen it. I have lived here. I have done it. CHECK. Now, what is next?   Ready to move on to the next already! 

Is this bad?

Greater Than Grateful


          Life can be so funny sometimes. Just when you think you’ve learned the lesson and cleared the level, another obstacle hits. A wise woman once told me, “Life is a never ending cycle of trials. You must learn to not get off while the ride is still moving.” In other words, don’t give up. So, in this new phase of my life, though I am tired of certain trials. I am making a choice to NOT get off this ride.

           I am experiencing God like never before. I am falling in love again. There is not anything I won’t trust Him for or with, because He is daily proving Himself to me!  As long as I am riding with Him, I feel a sense of comfort.

            I am definitely growing  🙂 By growing, I DO mean, merely realizing my weak areas. I think (and maybe I’m wrong… but) even if my actions do not change one bit, I have grown a little just by realizing where I am.

          Europe has been amazing! Not for what it is. Not for what it isn’t. But for who God is to me. Maybe I am exploring recondite ideas here, but I truly feel that accomplishments are not based on the achievement in itself, but it is grand because of the achiever.

Holding "Stonehenge" in my hands 🙂

          God has allowed me to see and experience a part of the world I had not before. THAT is what is amazing. If I have learned one thing in being here the past few months it’s that, London does not hold the key to anything I was searching for. It is not some grand city with attractions I have never seen. If you’ve been to Hollywood and New York… you’ve been to London, just with red phone booths and cars on opposite sides of the streets. However, please don’t misconstrue my words, this is not a post about how ungrateful I am; it is in fact the contra.

          I am greater than grateful to God for showing me that HE is everywhere. That He can do anything. That ALL of this is His. He created this, just as HE did everywhere else. There is NOWHERE that I can go that is out of His reach. There is no place that HE does not have in the palm of His hands. God is amazing for allowing me to have this opportunity and I WILL take full advantage everything here. God is amazing because of where He brought me from and where He is taking me. I am grateful for it ALL.

“The [Pe – ri] Drama” (Part 3/3)


October 28 – 31, 2011 – Trip to Paris, France

Part/ Day 3:  (Monday)

The Postcard Drama

Good morning optimism 🙂

I am glad we checked into a nicer, safer, more comfortable hotel. I slept well last night, minus Elizabeth’s LOUD alarm! Blake is gone, he left last night around 9pm. No cheap means of communication right now so, I can just pray he got back okay!

(I’m writing on the train right now – Monday morning at 11:08am)

My day is already not really going as planned… LoL… I bought a few postcards yesterday, it was our plan to mail them this morning, however we checked out of the hotel and put our stuff in the lockers, you can imagine where the postcards are……. Yes, of course in the lockers!!!

Elizabeth and I went to the post office, she got to mail her postcards, I on the other hand got to watch! LoL

Anyway, Monday consisted of a lot of walking. Tours of Paris. Buying of souvenirs. And actual genuine laughs. It’s funny, but honestly I think the real Elizabeth came out AFTER Blake left. I am not sure if she was trying to impress him or what! However, she seemed a bit more genuine after he was gone.

We ate good on Monday, took good pictures… and experienced Paris!

We were on time for our bus and got back to London safely 🙂